Beijing Jingyi Wanjia technology co., ltd

Firm Registration Document:
Date of Foundation (firm legal status):
2005-08-01 00:00:00
Type of Firm:
Strategy consulting for hospital
Firm President:
Jian Di
President Email:
Firm Executive Director:
Jian Bingbing
Executive Director Email:
Head of HR:
Li Jiuhe
Supporting Staff:
Type of Clients:
All types of hospitals; Medical related company; State and local health departments.
Upload procedures document:
management assesment system.pdf
Type of activity with full details:

New employee orientation training; Network consulting theory training weekly; Pre-promotion training; Post ability improvement training; Project resume meeting.

A Management Consultant:

The implementer with good professional quality and competence that can provide valuable solution to client by adhering to objective, independent and impartial principle, then promote it.

A Certified Management Consultant:

The professional management consulting people reach a global standard in professional quality, qualifications, experience, ability, independence and other aspects through strict review.