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CMC-Global Firms

About us

Welcome to the CMC-Firm directory!
A CMC Firm is accredited by ICMCI. Each CMC Firm has one or more active Certified Management Consultants (CMC) as professionals in their company. In addition, they must pass a rigorous accreditation process. On this page you can find the CMCs Firms that are part of this global community. We highly value and embrace...

Join your CMC-Firm peers from around the world

The CMC-Firm Programme provides international recognition and marketing opportunities for accredited firms that both commit to and can prove that they provide management consulting services in accordance with CMC standards...


Advancing our Profession Worldwide
ICMCI continually works to align all stakeholders as we work together to advance our management consulting profession.
Vision (Where we are headed in next 5 years)
To be a leader in the development of management consulting as a global profession that drives social and economic success...

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Success Stories


CMC-Firm Directory Launched


Welcome to the CMC-Firm directory!
In CMC Global, we do identify consultancy firms which have one or more active Certified Management Consultants (CMC) as professionals in their company. Here on this

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CMC Firms and how working as a CMC on projects is of advantage

The value of a structured consulting process

Even in the consulting business, which is defined through a project-based environment, there are some tasks and topics which follow predefined processes. Many of this processes

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Beijing Jingyi Wanjia Technology Co., Ltd.

On 18th July, Management Consulting Committee of China Enterprise Confederation sent ICMCI the application form on behalf of Beijing Jingyi Wanjia Technology Co., Ltd. After receiving the application, ICMCI formed an appraisal committee and initiated

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